Deer Detection Diversion 4 – Neural Network Setup

Posted on Sun 05 October 2014 in Machine Learning • Tagged with neural_network

For those of you following along at home, I’ve been attempting to make a deer detector using a Machine Learning algorithm. In my last post on the topic, I discussed why I wanted to use a neural network to perform the actual machine learning in the project. In that …

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Deer Detection Diversion 2 – Non-Magical Machine Learning

Posted on Fri 05 September 2014 in Machine Learning • Tagged with deer, machine_learning

I want to dispel a little bit of the magic behind Machine Learning (awww). In my mind, the name Machine Learning makes it sound like these algorithms are capable of actually understanding the information that you give them, on the same level which a human understands that kittens are cute …

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Deer Detection Diversion 1 – Detecting Day and Night

Posted on Wed 27 August 2014 in Machine Learning • Tagged with deer, machine_learning

In a previous post, I wrote about how I wanted to use Machine Learning to detect when a deer is present in my back yard, so that I can make sure that no deer-built weapons of mass destruction are constructed in my yard (at least not on my watch!). After …

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